
Brain Mapping Exploration

Brain Mapping Exploration

Monday, 14 June 2010

Learning to play with LSM software to alter cell imagery -fascinating what you can and how you can turn scientific imagery into a moving abstract form that you can then add to and work with in flash - these are works in progress -but i can show you some of the films that are just being developed..
Getting more used to working in the research labs -making up the compounds, taking different compunds off the cells with an aspirator, working out serial concentrations and adding these to the plates with cells on them.., looking at results under the microscope , on the plate reader and flex station and all the data and information that the experiments generate..
Whats refreshing is being in an alien environment and learning something new. I am interested in the interaction and collaboration that is being shared through this unique opportunity, i dont think the impact on myself , my work and the wider outcomes will be apparent for a while -but its so exciting being able to work in a scientific lab and respond to the material and technology that is available within this department..