Last week I presented an academic poster about part of the research I have been doing in the School of Biomedical Science, Nottingham.
What has been really interesting is the buzz in that hour long session of questions as all the scientists ask each other about the research they have been doing. There is a real mix of age groups and experiences all asking questions, from industry, academia and students.
I managed to go to some of the afternoon presentations which were from some of the people I know. it was fascinating listening to the research they were doing.
I also talked to one of the Staff at Nottingham, Steve Briddand who is currently measuring "the noise" of the receptors as they move across an area of the cell . His research is so precise and so abstract it really appeals to me. The abstract nature , logical yet using what seems like 'infinitive' reference points is mesmerising. What really appeals about this science is the way they look so thoroughly at one particular aspect of what happens inside our cells. Its so simple visually yet you know its such complex thinking –fabulous.
Before I started this research I had no idea how important cell signalling is in finding out how medicines work inside our cells. Now, I am interested in the process , the level of investigation , the methodology of how scientists come up with their data.
My first experience of the BPS conference:
Questioning environment
Working with other people .
Changing opinions
Scientific community –network –talking the same language